Thursday, August 27, 2020
10 California Geography Facts
10 California Geography Facts Californiaâ is a state situated in the western United States. It is the biggest state in the association dependent on its populace of more than 35 million and it is the third biggest state (behind Alaska and Texas) via land zone. California is flanked toward the north by Oregon, toward the east by Nevada, toward the southeast by Arizona, toward the south by Mexico and the Pacific Ocean toward the west. Californias moniker is the Golden State. The province of California is most notable for its enormous urban communities, fluctuated geography, ideal atmosphere, and huge economy. In that capacity, Californias populace has become rapidly over the previous decades and it keeps on developing today by means of both migration from outside nations and development from different states. Fundamental Facts Capital: SacramentoPopulation: 38,292,687 (January 2009 estimate)Largest Cities: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Long Beach, Fresno, Sacramento, and OaklandArea: 155,959 square miles (403,934 sq km)Highest Point: Mount Whitney at 14,494 feet (4,418 m)Lowest Point: Death Valley at - 282 feet (- 86 m) Geographic Facts About California Coming up next is a rundown of ten geographic realities to think about the territory of California: 1) California was one of the most different districts for Native American in the United States with around 70 free clans preceding the appearance of people from different territories during the 1500s. The main adventurer of the California coast was the Portuguese traveler Joo Rodrigues Cabrilho in 1542. 2) Throughout the remainder of the 1500s, the Spanish investigated Californias coast and in the end built up 21 missions in what was known as Alta California. In 1821, The Mexican War of Independence permitted Mexico and California to get free of Spain. Following this autonomy, Alta California stayed as a northern territory of Mexico. 3) In 1846, the Mexican-American War broke out and following the finish of the war, Alta California turned into a U.S. domain. By the 1850s, California had a huge populace because of the Gold Rush and on September 9, 1850, California was conceded into the United States. 4) Today, California is the most crowded state in the U.S. For reference, Californias populace is more than 39 million individuals, making it generally equivalent to the whole nation of Canada. Illicit migration is likewise an issue in California and in 2010, around 7.3% of the populace was comprised of unlawful outsiders. 5) Most of Californias populace is bunched inside one of three significant metropolitan regions. These incorporate the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area, Southern California reaching out from Los Angeles to San Diego and Central Valley urban communities extending from Sacramento to Stockton and Modesto. 6) California has changed geology that incorporates mountain ranges like the Sierra Nevada that run south to north along the eastern outskirt of the state and the Tehachapi Mountains in Southern California. The state likewise has celebrated valleys like the horticulturally beneficial Central Valley and the wine-developing Napa Valley. 7) Central California is partitioned into two areas by its significant waterway frameworks. The Sacramento River, which starts streaming close to Mount Shasta in northern California, gives water to both the northern piece of the state and the Sacramento Valley. The San Joaquin River shapes the watershed for the San Joaquin Valley, another horticulturally beneficial district of the state. The two streams at that point join to frame the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta framework which is a significant water provider for the express, a water travel center, and an unfathomably biodiverse district. 8) Most of Californias atmosphere is viewed as Mediterranean with warm to sweltering dry summers and gentle wet winters. Urban communities found nearer to the Pacific coast highlight an oceanic atmosphere with cool foggy summers, while the Central Valley and other inland areas can turn out to be blistering in the late spring. For instance, San Franciscos normal July high temperature is 68à °F (20à °C) while Sacramentos is 94à °F (34à °C). California likewise has desert districts like Death Valley and freezing atmospheres in the higher mountain zones. 9) California is exceptionally dynamic geographically as it is situated inside the Pacific Ring of Fire. Numerous huge blames, for example, the San Andreas run all through the state making a huge part of it, including the Los Angeles and San Francisco metropolitan regions, inclined to seismic tremors. A part of the volcanic Cascade Mountain Range additionally reaches out into northern California and Mount Shasta and Mount Lassen are dynamic volcanoes in the territory. Dry spell, out of control fire, avalanches, and flooding are other cataclysmic events normal in California. 10) Californias economy is liable for about 13% of the total national output for the whole United States. PCs and electronic items are Californias biggest fare, while the travel industry, farming and other assembling businesses make up an enormous piece of the states economy.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Addiction Essay 4 Essays
Compulsion Essay 4 Essays Compulsion Essay 4 Essay Compulsion Essay 4 Essay Presentation Addiction is an interminable issue proposed to be encouraged by a mix of hereditary, organic/pharmacological and social components. Habit is an impulse to rehash a conduct paying little heed to its outcomes (Webster, 2003). Fixation is regularly portrayed by a hankering for a greater amount of the medication or conduct, expanded physiological resistance to presentation, and withdrawal indications without the boost (NIDA, 2008). The motivation behind this paper is to audit an as of late distributed book that centers around family contribution in compulsion. The book chose for this undertaking was, ââ¬Å"The Science of Addiction: From Neurobiology to Treatmentâ⬠by Dr. Carlton (Carl) K. Erickson. Dr. Erickson is an exploration researcher examining the impacts of liquor on the cerebrum for more than 30 years. He got his Ph. D. degree in pharmacology from Purdue University in 1965 and educated and preformed examine at The University of Kansas and The University of Texas since 1969. He by and by is the Pfizer Centennial Professor of Pharmacology and Director of the Addiction Science Research and Education Center in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Erickson is a distributed proficient with more than 150 logical articles and co-created different books on fixation and medication misuse. As a neuroscientist, he accepts that addictions are neurochemical issue. Despite the fact that, in 1988 the United States Supreme Court announced liquor addiction to be obstinate offense (Gerde, 2005), Dr. Erickson puts together his conviction with respect to many years of extensive hereditary and neurobiological research that gave proof that habit is an infection of the mind with hereditary association. He accepts if the enslavement is analyzed early it very well may be dealt with effectively. Dr. Erickson is more than qualified to talk regarding the matter of fixation and any subtopics identified with expansion. Dr. Ericksons book is kept in touch with a general crowd and straightforward. The book gives an unmistakable and point by point diagram of current neurobiological data and treatment programs for enslavement dependent on science and gives a concise portrayal of hereditary qualities. As per Dr. Erickson there have been conceivable causative qualities recognized. He underlines in his book that any treatment approach can't depend on pharmacological arrangements alone and that treatment must be individualized, yet doesn't broadly expound. In spite of the fact that, he refers to gathering, individual and family advising his principle center is pharmaceutical treatment. The main section of the book explains the phrasing utilized all through the book. The following 7 sections give a brief training in the rudiments of the cerebrum, the life systems and neurobiology of dependence, hereditary qualities and pharmacology. Section 8 records different treatment programs offered for the most far reaching addictions to incorporate a few kinds of guiding strategies and pharmaceutical medications. Dr. Erickson centers around habit as an ailment procedure and excuses most mental parts of the dependent individual, asserting the dependent individual isn't answerable for their condition. Dr. Ericksons essentially overlooks other research and proof that help a mental bases for dependence. In spite of the fact that there has been no obvious reason recognized for habit, inquire about has distinguished various factors as potential causes. Potential reason are everything from hereditary, physiological, biochemical, social and pre-birth components to enthusiastic clashes, character qualities, learned conduct and stress. His treatment modalities center around pharmacological medicines dismissing the mental bit of anticipation and treatment also through and through freedom and good duty. Logical research bolsters fixation as an infection and furthermore underpins the possibility that there are mental elements present as potential causative factors just as assumes a huge job in anticipation and treatment, (SAMSHA, 2004). As per the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) family influences anticipation and treatment. One of the individual variables identified with effective avoidance and treatment incorporate inspiration to change medicate utilizing conduct and the level of help from loved ones is urgent. It is significant for the families to be a piece of treatment. They should be alluded to help bunches intended to helping them comprehend their job is entwined in the enslavement. These gatherings will give training about the infection when all is said in done and how they will aid treatment. In spite of the fact that, Dr. Erickson has substantial logical research on the subject of enslavement and his exploration is acknowledged in the clinical network his treatment modalities comes up short in general individual idea. NIDA concurs dependence is a sickness of the cerebrum since fixation changes the brainââ¬â¢s structure and how the mind functions. NIDA clarifies, the underlying choice to enjoy addictive conduct is willful, however after some time the individualââ¬â¢s capacity to endeavor control is genuinely impeded. Dr. Ericksonââ¬â¢s book suggests the essential and just contributing element to addictive conduct is hereditary. This is rather than NIDA explore. NIDA communicates that there are numerous elements adding to an individual weakness in showing addictive conduct run from physical make up to natural impacts. As indicated by NIDA just about 40% of the complete contributing components are potentially hereditary the rest is mental, natural and by decision. The impact of the home condition is much of the time a huge impact. Guardians or more established relatives who misuse liquor or medications can build an individualââ¬â¢s danger of building up their own addictive practices. NIDA supports the thoughts that habit is a treatable infection. With the revelations in science and research there have been numerous advances in addictive treatment. Like other incessant sicknesses, dependence can be overseen effectively. Research shows that joining meds with conduct treatment is the most ideal approach to guarantee accomplishment for most patients. NIDA and Dr. Erickson concur that treatment approaches must be custom fitted to address every person, except vary on the proper consideration plan. Conduct medicines are perceived by the clinical network as a fundamental piece of fixation treatment. Social treatment helps with adjusting an individual mentalities and practices identified with their habit and expanding their aptitudes to deal with upsetting conditions and natural signs that may trigger extraordinary needing and upgrade the adequacy of drugs (SAMSHA, 2004). Getting a dependent individual to stop is only one piece of the treatment and recuperation process. Fixation has upset how they work in their family lives, at work and in the network. Since compulsion can influence such a large number of parts of a people life, treatment must address the requirements of the whole individual to be fruitful. Treatment need to meet the individualââ¬â¢s clinical, mental, social, professional, strict and legitimate requirements (Capuzzi Stauffer, 2008). This is the reason the best projects join an assortment of administrations into their treatment program. Effective treatment programs over the U. S. incorporate intellectual conduct, gathering and family treatments just as inspirational impetuses. Intellectual conduct treatment enables people to perceive, keep away from, and adapt to the circumstances wherein they are well on the way to fall into addictive practices. Inspirational motivators utilize encouraging feedback, for example, giving prizes or rivileges to fitting practices, for example, for joining in and taking an interest in advising meetings, or for accepting drugs as recommended. Gathering treatment assists individual with confronting their dependence all things considered and deal with its hurtful outcomes, and lift their inspiration. Family treatment utilizes the family soli darity to help the person to discover assets to proceed in treatment (NIDA, 2008). Dr. Erickson is certainly a certified proficient in the field of habit and has the accreditations in his field of study. He is an acknowledged master and individual from the clinical network. In spite of the fact that, Dr. Ericksonââ¬â¢s book ââ¬Å"The Science of Addiction: From Neurobiology to Treatmentâ⬠has legitimate research and backing from the clinical network it has territories in struggle with the clinical network all in all in the territory of contributing variables for fixation and treatment modalities. His examination on the contributing variables for dependence is approved by the clinical and research networks, however is inadequate in the total image of enslavement including other contributing elements, for example, condition, mental components and treatment modalities other then pharmacological treatment. He makes some notice of guiding and treatment, yet centers for the most part around pharmacological medicines and treatments. Dr. Ericksonââ¬â¢s book didn't add to or bring down the content utilized for this course. The data in Dr. Ericksonââ¬â¢s book was straight forward and simple to follow, however could be deceiving or misjudged basically by excluding all components identified with the reason for compulsion and treatment. His book was reliable with most other enslavement inquire about, however didn't follow the line when it went to the entire individual idea in causes and treatment. This might be because of the way that Dr. Erickson has a degree in pharmacology and is a Professor of Pharmacology. His perspectives might be one-sided because of his calling. In spite of the fact that, Dr. Erickson makes them contrast sees his exploration is legitimate and provides helpful data to base enslavement research, counteraction and treatment. Despite the fact that, this book didn't straightforwardly concentrate on family association what's more it focused on the hereditary connect to fixation which is a piece of the hypothesis connecting family to the base of addictive practices. REFERENCES Capuzzi, D. Stauffer, M. (2008). Establishments of Addic
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed Awesome, I Can Write My Own Rec!
Blog Archive MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed Awesome, I Can Write My Own Rec! Getting to write your own recommendation letters can seem like a blessing. Suddenly, you have the power to control an aspect of the application process that was previously out of your hands. So, your downside risk in these letters is mitigated and your upside is infinite, right? Well, not quite. Admissions committees are not seeking blustery rave reviews but instead want recommendations that are detailed, personal, intimate and sincere. Can you really write about yourself with dispassionate veracity? And even if you are a master of âdispassionate veracity,â are you able to capture the subtleties that make you stand out? For example, let us say that among the many important things that you do at work, you also perform thoughtful acts without even realizing their significanceâ"for example, you take new team members out to lunch. While you may regard âclosing the big dealâ as significant, others may appreciate and admire the small but significant act of inviting newbies to lunch, which helps to forge team unity. Unfortunately, you may lack the objectivity necessary to ensure that this positive detail is included in your letter. This is but one simple example, but our point is that you probably will not know what important elements are missing from your recommendation letter if you write it yourself. So, when you approach your supervisor for a recommendation, go in ready to push back a bit if he/she ask you to write your own letter. Some individuals may be busy or lazy, while others may think that they are doing you a favor by giving you control. Be prepared to impress upon all your recommenders that you cannot help yourself but that they can. After all, that is why you are asking for their input in the first place! Share ThisTweet Admissions Myths Destroyed Blog Archive MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed Awesome, I Can Write My Own Rec! Writing your own recommendation letters can seem like a blessing. Suddenly, you have the power to control an aspect of the application process that was previously beyond you. So, your downside risk in these letters is mitigated and your upside is infinite, right? Well, it does not quite work that way. Admissions committees are not seeking blustery rave reviews, but are seeking recommendations that are detailed and personal, intimate and sincere. Can you really write about yourself with a dispassionate sincerity? And, even if you are a master of âdispassionate sincerity,â are you able to capture the subtleties that enable you to standout? For example, letâs say that among the many important things that you do, you also do something thoughtful, which you do not even perceive to be significant â" you take new team members to lunch. While you regard âclosing the big dealâ as significant, others may appreciate and admire this small and impactful act, which forges team unity. Unfortunately, you may lack the objectivity necessary to ensure that this nice detail makes it into your letter. This is but one simple example, but our point is that you probably will not know what is missing from your letter if you write it yourself. So, when you approach your supervisor for a recommendation, go in ready to push back a bit if they ask you to write your own letter. Some may be busy or lazy and others may think that they are doing you a favor by giving you control. Be prepared to impress upon your recommender that you canât help yourself and that he/she can. After all, that is why you are approaching him/her in the first place! Share ThisTweet Admissions Myths Destroyed
Monday, May 25, 2020
Mass Genocide Disguised As A Right To Choose - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 789 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/08/06 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Genocide Essay Did you like this example? What is controversy? Without looking at a dictionary, I, by heart, can honestly define it as having many sides or taking a stance on something with more than one stance without being sympathetic to the other side or not taking the other sides arguments into account. Political correctness for instance is controversial, although not the topic I will be discussing in depth today. Gun rights, for the sake of providing examples, is an example. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Mass Genocide Disguised As A Right To Choose" essay for you Create order These topics, in my opinion, can be more flexible as there are legitimate arguments to both for and against them. Abortion, however, is not the same case. At least, not for me. This is exactly why this will be the controversial topic explored in this essay. à à à à à à à Now for me to explain why abortion is objectively wrong, I should probably define what it is first. Abortion is the intentional termination of the unborn fetus during pregnancy or simply killing babies. That should be it right. Notice how I must further argue my case because that is not enough fore the radical left to concede. Killing babies is the reality of what abortion really is. I am repeating myself because again, that is where the argument should end, but I persist, nonetheless. à à à à à à à Let us start with some historical context. Abortion in the U.S was deemed constitutional by the landmark Supreme Court Case, Roe v. Wade in 1973. This case granted the constitutional right for a woman to be able to choose what they do to their body. It also made it a crime for institutions and people alike to restrict the access of abortions. Ever since, it has been fought, rightly, by the other side to be overturned. Going further into the controversy, the clear sides established are of course people who are pro-choice and people who are pro-life. I am pro-life, and I will explain simply by stating the facts. The reality on how abortions are conducted and how the fetus develops in the womb of the mother. à à à à à à à By week 3, twenty-one days for crying out loud, the babys brain, spinal cord, and heart are already developing. Going on to ending the first trimester, the fetus has already developed its facial features, genitalia, and other essential organs of the human anatomy. Now lets kill this little guy. How? One might ask. One way is by suction aspiration. A tube is entered the womb of the mother and the suction of the tube slowly but surely tears apart the baby while it is alive. Paint the picture. Have you ever had a newborn baby grab onto your thumb with its tiny little fingers? Well, these fingers at this point are developed in the womb and as we speak, are being ripped apart with the power of this suction. Not brutal enough? I got you, as the we, Generation Z would say. If you want to more inhumane, just use a curate and chop that baby down piece by piece and scrape the remains out. A little messy granted, but gets the job done. Keep in mind, this is not fear mongering, it is straight up facts. Oh, almost forgot my favorite method in which the baby is delivered all, but the head. The doctors use forceps to drag the babys out of the birth canal with its legs, stab the babys head with a scissors, and then suction the remains of the skull. That method is called partial-birth abortion. Obviously, I am very passionate about the subject and still in awe that I must acknowledge the counter-argument. So here we go. à à à à à à à First off, I would like to say that there is no counter-argument that can legitimize or justify the practice of something so disgusting. The common arguments are if it were rape. My response is that it should be legal in that case. I concede to that and that only, but the reality is that only about 1.5 percent of an approximate 600,000 abortions conducted are as a result of rape or incestuous relations in the U.S. à à à à à à à à The womens right to choose is a stupid argument if it is to, like I say, justify killing a human. It would be as valid as murder being justified for men. Nonsensical. Those are pretty much the biggest arguments set forth. à à à à à à à Look, do not take my word for it. Do some research. Educate yourself or simply just have some common sense. This is wrong. Killing an innocent human is wrong. By week twenty, the fetus feels pain. Just imagine the pain of getting pinched. That warrants a reaction. If that is true, why wouldnt clipping someones, a babys fingers off as well. From the bottom of my heart, do what is right. Be an advocate for pro-life. End abortions being so prevalent.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Reasons Hitler was Made Chancellor of Germany Essay
The Reasons Hitler was Made Chancellor of Germany In Germany in 1933, Hitlers Nazis party was growing extremely popular with the Germans. This posed a problem for the current government, The Weimar republic who were losing popularity. Hitler promised things that the German people needed: Hitler offered a strong leadership, like that of the Kaiser, older Germans who were alive during the reign of the Kaiser, warmed to this type of ruling. Hitler promised the cancellation of the treaty of Versailles, which was still a subject which angered many people; many still held the signing of the treaty against the Weimar. Hitlers use of the SA forced people into voting for him. Hitler knew he could not keepâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦After all this happening in the first few weeks of the Weimars reign, this already helped Hitler to realise that this could be his chance, he thought that the German people could not take much more of this weak government they needed a strong ruler who could steer them out of this corner. I think that even a s early as this Hitler had ideas and plans even if they were only thoughts. Many Germans saw the ending of the war and the signing of the treaty of Versailles as being stabbed in the back by their own people, this would take a lot of time to get over this felling of betrayal. The invasion of the Ruhr, weakened the Weimar even more, the hyper inflation which occurred due to the passive resistance in the Ruhr, made matters even worse for the Government but even better for Hitler. When the whole of Germany went into poverty, the people of Germany needed help. The Weimar were doing nothing, this was a perfect time for Hitler to gain his support. Hitler joined the National socialist workers party (Nazis) Hitler put his ideas across. His speeches touched their emotions and a year later he was declared leader. The party grew in size promising the People of Germany thing that they needed which the Weimar was not providing. This a major step forward for Hitler and one of the major reasons wh y he was made chancellor. The strength of the Nazis grew as did the number of members. Hitler had aShow MoreRelatedThe Effect of the Great Depression on Hitlers Power Essay949 Words à |à 4 Pages There is no simple answer as to why Hitler became chancellor in January 1933. There are a number of causal factors which all contributed to his rise into power. Any of the factors, on its own, however, would not have resulted in his appointment. They are all linked in a web of causation and if any of the factors were missing, Hitler would not have been appointed chancellor. Of the factors I would say that the Great Depression was the most important. The Treaty ofRead Moreââ¬ËFear of Communism Best Explains Hitlerââ¬â¢s Appointment as Chancellor in January 1933ââ¬â¢. to What Extent Do You Agree with This Opinion?1262 Words à |à 6 Pagesappointment as Chancellor in January 1933ââ¬â¢. To what extent do you agree with this opinion? During Germanyââ¬â¢s period of depression votes for extremist parties, such as the Nazis and Communists, increased as people were desperate for something new and in January 1933 Hitler was appointed chancellor. 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The Great Depression, one the worst times for Germany, andRead Moreââ¬Å"Hitler Became Chancellor in January 1933 Because He Was the Leader of the Most Popular Party in Germanyâ⬠ââ¬â How Far Do You Agree with This Opinion.936 Words à |à 4 Pagesââ¬Å"Hitler became chancellor in January 1933 because he was the leader of the most popular party in Germanyâ⬠ââ¬â How far do you agree with this opinion. Hitler did not become chancellor in January 1933 because he was the leader of the most popular party in Germany, it was however to do with the support of the elite that made him Chancellor. There were other factors also such as the decline of the Weimar Republic and the economy but it was mainly to do with the conservatives. 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Hitler felt very strongly about the Treaty of Versailles and thought the terms were unfair towards Germany. Many German people also despised the treaty, and wanted something done about it. Hitler was there to turn to. He wanted to abolish the treaty and all of it terms. Consequently the Treaty of Versailles helped to cause the Economic depression, in Germany. Meaning thatRead MoreHow did Hitler gain power in Germany by 1933?1205 Words à |à 5 Pagesï » ¿How and why did Hitler gain power in Germany by 1933? Following the collapse of the Weimar government, Hitler managed to gain dictatorship over Germany by 1936. In fact it took Hitler just around 18 months, between February 1933 and August 1934, so how did Hitler gain autocracy over Germany so quickly? I am going to start with how the Germans had fear of Germany becoming a communist country like Russia. At the end of the war, many people hoped that democracy would spread to most countries ofRead More`Hitler Became Chancellor in January 1933 Because He Was Leader of the Most Popular Party in Germany. ` How Far Do You Agree with This Judgement?1563 Words à |à 7 Pages`Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933 because he was leader of the most popular party in Germany. ` How far do you agree with this judgement? The Nazi party was slowly making its ascent into the whirlwind world of politics; at first glance they appeared to be making no progress, due to this they were paid very little attention. The governmentââ¬â¢s negligence of the party allowed them to grow gradually and undetected. Although their popularity contributed to Hitler`s appointment as Chancellor,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Suicide and the Harm Principle - 2897 Words
The Right to Suicide and Harm Suicide under circumstances of extreme suffering is the morally right action as opposed to the alternative, living in pain. J.S. Millââ¬â¢s Utilitarian ideals provide strong reasoning to support suicide in instances of severe pain, while Kantââ¬â¢s moral theory of the categorical imperative provides reasoning against taking oneââ¬â¢s own life. Millââ¬â¢s principle of utility is the maximization of pleasure and the reduction of pain. Mill regards happiness as the greatest good in life and all actions should be performed as long as they have the tendency to produce pleasure. Mill also introduces the Harm Principle. The Harm Principle is used to determine whether coercion is justifiable based on the impact of individualâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Mill would invoke the Harm Principle. The act of committing suicide would be a self-regarding act. As the harm is directly imposed on herself, all other consequences of her action are considered indirect as they occur through Jan eââ¬â¢s self-regarding act. Hence, Jane should suffer no moral or legal sanctions for committing suicide. Furthermore, she has evaluated her options and upon deep consideration, decided that the pain of living with her condition outweighs the pleasure of living with her condition. A utility calculation can be formalized to further justify her decision on utilitarian grounds. (Utilitarianism) For Jane: 1. Tendency to cause pleasure: 100 units 2. Tendency to cause pain: 50 units For the aggregate of the other people affected: 3. Tendency to cause pleasure: 10 units 4. Tendency to cause pain: 20 units Hence: Pleasure: 110 units, Pain: 70 units. Perform the action. For Jane, dying would be the ultimate pleasure as it is the end of her suffering. She views suicide as the mean to her ultimate end: happiness. For Jane, the pain of dying is less than the pain of living. After seeing her mother die from Parkinsonââ¬â¢s disease, she makes the valid decision to not die the same way. She recognizes that death is the end of her life and the pain of leaving her family and friends does impact on this decision. Yet, when compared to the suffering she will endure as her Parkinsonââ¬â¢s progresses, the pleasure derived fromShow MoreRelatedJohn Stuart Mills Harm Principle Essay978 Words à |à 4 Pagesmany ways. Iââ¬â¢d like to focus of his ideas of the harm principle and a touch a little on his thoughts about the freedom of action. The harm principle and freedom on action are just two subtopics of Millââ¬â¢s extensive thoughts about the conception on liberty. Not only do I plan to discuss and explain each of these parts on the conception of libe rty, but I also plan to discuss my thoughts and feelings. I have a few disagreements with Mill on the harm principle; they will be stated and explained. 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However, the the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) believes that this three-year deadline Is not enough time to ââ¬Å"gather adequate and appropriate in formationâ⬠on whether this practice should be allowed to beRead MoreThe Death Of Physician Assisted Suicide1731 Words à |à 7 Pagesthink it could be immoral. For physician-assisted suicide to even be considered the patient must be of sound mind when they are requesting the physician-assisted suicide. To guarantee that the process is carried out correctly a doctor or a witness should be there to prove consciousness. The patient must be diagnosed with a terminal illness, if they are not then there is a possibility for a life. There are many proââ¬â¢s and conââ¬â¢s to physician-assisted suicide. If a person is terminally ill they would notRead MoreThe Legalization Of Physician Assisted Suicide1720 Words à |à 7 PagesIt is obvious discussing physician-assisted suicide is a very controversial issue that is discussed daily by those who wish to die to avoid loss of dignity and also by those who think it is unethical. For physician-assisted suicide to even be considered, t he patient must be of sound mind when they are requesting death with dignity. Physician-assisted suicide should be a legal option for people who are unable to end their own lives. However, there should be safeguards to prevent any sort of abuseRead MoreCritical Reflection : The Euthanasia Debate1652 Words à |à 7 PagesThese issues have brought forth the euthanasia debate, which poses the question, ââ¬Å"Should an individual have the right to choose to die?â⬠In February 2015, in the case of Carter v. Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada declared that physician-assisted suicide will be legal for a ââ¬Å"competent person who (1) clearly consents to the termination of life and (2) has a grievous and irremediable medical conditionâ⬠¦that causes enduring suffering that is intolerable to the individual in the circumstances of his orRead MoreMovie Analysis : Million Dollar Baby1273 Words à |à 6 Pagesher die or not because he wants to keep her alive and he knows it s a sin if he helps her commit suicide. He understands that she is suffering and even keeping her alive is killing her. Ultimately, Frankie goes to Maggie s hospital room, take her off mechanical ventilation and injects her with adrenaline to end her life. This movie deals with the ethical issues of euthanasia and assisted suicide for people with disabilities or debilitating disease. According to Merriam-webster dictionary, theRead MoreEuthanasia Is The Act Of Killing Someone Painlessly1534 Words à |à 7 Pagesirreversible coma. The term is synonymous with physician-assisted suicide, a form of active euthanasia in which a doctor provides an individual, either terminally ill or facing a diminished quality of life, with the information and means to take his or her own life. It involves a situation in which a patient voluntarily performs the act of committing suicide by taking a lethal dose of prescribed medication. Physician-assisted suicide is a controversial issue which has been debated extensively withinRead MoreMichael Morgan First and foremost, Johns desire to end his life must be examined. Applying the600 Words à |à 3 PagesMichael Morgan First and foremost, Johns desire to end his life must be examined. Applying the ethical principle of Beauchamp and Childress (Johnston, Penelope Bradbury 2008), the principle of autonomy would consider Johnââ¬â¢s decision to end his life as ethically sound. It could be argued that suicide is the ultimate application of ones right to autonomy. However, this autonomy cannot be blindly extrapolated to include the participation of another individual. The distinction must be made between theRead MoreEuthanasi Terminally Ill Patient1321 Words à |à 6 Pagesand according to Euthanasia (2014), it is defined as the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. There are many kinds of euthanasia including voluntary, non-voluntary, involuntary, assisted suicide, euthanasia by action, and euthanasia by omission. Lethal injection, lethal oral drugs, starvation, dehydration, and use of gases and plastic bags are among the methods of euthanas ia (Life, 2011). Passive euthanasia is a non-intentional death and
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Outsourcing of The Business Activity Samples â⬠
Question: Discuss about the Outsourcing of The Business Activity. Answer: Introduction: The digital innovation in the global market creates the new value for the organization to outsource their business operation to the other company for completing the activities and get the desired output. The outsourcing program is utilized for saving the precious time of the enterprise which was previously used in the completing the business processes. The precious time can be used for other activities which help in improving the turnover of the enterprise (Kremic, 2013). The short and long term sustainability of the enterprise can be maintained by outsourcing the activities and maintaining good and healthy relationship with the third party. The cost associated with the project activity scheduled can be reduced to an high extent to complete the project under estimated budget. The research paper is designed to focus on the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing business functions. Project Objective The project objective is to focus on the positive and negative aspect associated with the outsourcing of the business activity with the inclusion of third party in the working curriculum of the enterprise. The fundamentals of the outsourcing program helps in analysing the efficiency of the business operations which are undertaken for achieving the required output. The focus should be given on determining the difference in the turnover of the enterprise to analyse the benefit of using the outsourced program in the working environment of the firm. Project scope The in-scope activities which should be undertaken in completing the project are mentioned below: The difference in the turnover of the enterprise to analyse the benefit of using the outsourced program in the working environment of the firm (Krell,2014). The strategies for developing the outsourced program to the third party Determining the logical sequence of activities to be coordinated on the outsourced working program The recommendation of the customer to outsource the business activities to the third party The positive aspect of the outsourced program The negative aspect of the outsourced program Improving the in-house capability of the enterprise. Literature review The Outsourcing of the activities are undertaken to improve the performance of the business in regards to raising the satisfaction level of the associated customers which in turn helps in increasing the turnover of the company. The quality of the outcome can be improved with the inclusion of the third party but there is one major drawback of the outsourcing program that the loss of data can occur in the working process of the enterprise (Milan, 2010). The benefits of using the outsourcing program are that it is helpful in enhancing the business processes and the human resource skills for completing the business activity (Mirza, 2015). The globalization is the major factor responsible for outsourcing the business operation to the other companies. The sale of the product can be improved by utilizing the marketing strategies. The quality of the product can be optimized with the inclusion of outsourcing fundamental program. By analysing the literature review, we predict that the financia l growth of the company can be improved by reducing the amount of budget spent on carrying over the business operational procedures (Ray, 2009). The negative aspect which is associated with the outsourcing program is that it is difficult to optimize the skills and expertise of the working employees (Patricia, 2014). Research questions and hypothesis Primary research question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the outsourcing function? Secondary research question: How the productivity of the organization can be improved with the use of outsourcing function? How the cost can be reduced by deploying the business function to the third party? What are the negative consequences of the outsourced function? What are the risks mitigation plans should be undertaken? Research Hypothesis: It has been identified that the utilization of the outsourcing activities helps in producing the quality product for increasing the efficiency and turnover of the company by attracting more and more customers towards the enterprise (Tucker, 2011). The working structure helps in increasing the efficiency of the employees. The assessment of the outsourced activities and business process helps in reducing the workload from the enterprise working schedule (Haveckin, 2012). It helps in identifying the advantages and disadvantages of the functions used for outsourced on the third party working platform. The research hypothesis should be prepared on the following framework: Research design and methodology The qualitative and quantitative approach is used for determining the advantages and disadvantages of the working of the outsourcing program. Interview: The interview is arranged with the senior management of the company who indulges the outsourcing program in the working curriculum of the enterprise. Observation and survey: The deployment of the business outsourced program should be observed by carrying over survey on different companies to analyse the positive and the negative impact of the outsourcing function (Iqbal, 2013). Questionnaire: The research questions helps in designing the questionnaire to get the desired data for analysis of the research questions. Sampling: The method of sampling is used for testing the positive and the negative impact of the outsourcing function on the sample undertaken. Ethical Issues: The analysis of the ethical issues helps in predicting the code of conduct followed by the working employees to create an ethical environment on the outsourced business platform. Schedule: Research Activity Program Starting date of the research Finishing date of the research Explanation Topic of research 09-Oct-17 10-Oct-17 The research study has been undertaken on advantages and disadvantages associated with the business operation which are outsourced Criteria for selection of team required 11-Oct-17 13-Oct-17 Criteria should be settled for analysis the expertise of the participating unit which is required for completing the research program Material collected for literature review process 14-Oct-17 16-Oct-17 Data collection is the most important phase of the research study. The relevancy and the accuracy are the pillars for determining the data according to the research project. Analysis of data documented in the literature review 17-Oct-17 19-Oct-17 The format should be created for writing the result of the analysis of literature review undertaken. The documentation helps in reaching the conclusion for developing the draft for the research study by setting down the research questions. Designing of primary and secondary research question 20-Oct-17 23-Oct-17 The analysis of the literature review helps in creating primary and secondary research questions for taking the research study in the right direction. The question should be based on analysing the negative and positive effect of outsourcing on the business performance. Documentation of draft for the research study 24-Oct-17 26-Oct-17 The research draft helps in specifying the project scope and the relevant outcome related to the outsourced program. Qualitative and quantitative research methodologies 27-Oct-17 20-Nov-17 The research methodologies plays a vital role in collecting the relevant and accurate data for carrying over the research on outsourced program Proposal reviewing 21-Nov-17 23-Nov-17 The accuracy of the draft should be reviewed before submitting it for approval Sanction of the research draft 24-Nov-17 27-Nov-17 The research study continues after the sanction from the researcher Research analysis phase 28-Nov-17 30-Dec-17 The analysis of the data helps in developing the research document which provides the relevant data to optimize negative and positive effect of outsourcing on the business performance. Research assessment phase 01-Jan-18 10-Jan-18 Findings and evaluation of the research should be clearly mentioned in the research document Termination of the research study 11-Jan-18 20-Jan-18 Termination of the research study Research Limitation: The sample taken for the study is limited in its capacity for determining the functionality of the outsourcing program. It is difficult to analyse the different views of the participant correctly. The baseline for completing the research work is also limited. Conclusion The research proposal helps in determining the advantages and disadvantages of the outsourced function with the inclusion of the third party. It has been identified that the quality of the product can be optimized with the inclusion of outsourcing fundamental program. References: Haveckin, B. (2012). Information technology outsourcing by large organization. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 26 Sep. 2017]. Iqbal, J. (2013). Outsourcing: A review of trends, winners, and loser and future direction. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 26 Sep. 2017]. Krell, E. (2014). Outsourcing the finance and accounting function. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 26 Sep. 2017]. Kremic, T. (2013). Outsourcing decision support: A survey of benefits, risks, and decision factor. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 26 Sep. 2017]. Millan, M. (2010). The benefits and risks of outsourcing. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 26 Sep. 2017]. Mirza, A. (2015). The impact of outsourcing on the organization and economy. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 26 Sep. 2017]. Patricia, P. (2014). Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 26 Sep. 2017]. Ray, G. (2009). Finance and accounting outsourcing: An empirical study of service providers. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 26 Sep. 2017]. Tucker, J. (2011). The pros and cons of outsourcing. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 26 Sep. 2017].
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Dr. Kings Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay Example
Dr. Kings Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay Nonviolence can touch men where the law cannot reach them. These words, as spoken by the late civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story, 1958) became the fundamental tenet of his life. The concept behind the words would define not just his work, but the history of an entire generation of American people in the middle of the 20th century. But his words would have proven hollow were it not for the actions that he took to support them. If his words were the spike that pierced the heart of segregation, the nonviolent demonstrations that accompanied them were the hammer that was struck against that spike. They were a forceful combination that couldn;t be ignored or muted through the stubborn efforts of segregationists of the time. Dr. King;s words informed his actions, and vice-versa. Nowhere in his great history is that more evident than in the seemingly personal letter he wrote from a jail cell in Alabama; the ;Letter from Birmingham Jai l;.A key example of this in ;Letter from Birmingham Jail; is found in a section in which Dr. King says, ;I have consistently preached that nonviolence demands that the means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek.; (Paragraph 43). At this particular point of King;s letter, there are various underlying meanings and interpretations that may be gleaned, but they all strike the same chord. Whereas the old adage states that the ends justifies the means, nonviolence and particularly its use during the Civil Rights Movement, dictates that the means should justify the ends. The words, and the meanings within them, are held as an ideology; a mission statement for the entire Civil Rights Movement and the moral standard of the individual persons. To be more specific about what this means, Dr. King;s testament of nonviolence spoke to the cause and fight against legal and social injustice, provided a stark cont
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Free Essays on Does Television Effect Obesity
Technology can be linked to the increase rate of individuals becoming overweight. Things become readily available through technology, which means people have to do less work. A prime example of technology that is attibuted to making people overweight is the television. Some people believe that several hours of television viewing everyday can be a cause of obesity, which I find that belief to be credible. Television viewing is a factor in increasing obesity among the people of today. In my opinion, watching many hours of television can lead to obesity. If my belief of whether or not television is a factor in obesity is true, it is imperative to find out what can be done to solve the issue. Did you know that over half of all Americans (about 97 million) are overweight or obese? The term obesity is defined as ââ¬Å"an abnormal accumulation of body fat frequently resulting in an impairment of healthâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Obesityâ⬠). The National Institute of Health defines obesity as being more than 20% above the ideal body weight (approximately 20% males and 30% for females). Not many people are aware of obesity, and that is why approximately 34% of the adult population is overweight. Obesity can affect anyone from young children to older adults. There are many causes for obesity such as over-eating, genetics, hormones, the environment, and an insufficient amount of physical activity. Obesity has several causes like health issues, depression, eating disorders, and unfortunately even death. The late rapper Big Punisher and actor John Candy were unfortunate victims of obesity and sadly they are now deceased because of obesity. Obesity tends to run in families, whic h shows that obesity can be genetic. Some diseases linked to obesity are diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and cancer. The search for an obesity gene is complicated because families also tend to share eating habits and lifestyles. In one study, howeve... Free Essays on Does Television Effect Obesity Free Essays on Does Television Effect Obesity Technology can be linked to the increase rate of individuals becoming overweight. Things become readily available through technology, which means people have to do less work. A prime example of technology that is attibuted to making people overweight is the television. Some people believe that several hours of television viewing everyday can be a cause of obesity, which I find that belief to be credible. Television viewing is a factor in increasing obesity among the people of today. In my opinion, watching many hours of television can lead to obesity. If my belief of whether or not television is a factor in obesity is true, it is imperative to find out what can be done to solve the issue. Did you know that over half of all Americans (about 97 million) are overweight or obese? The term obesity is defined as ââ¬Å"an abnormal accumulation of body fat frequently resulting in an impairment of healthâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Obesityâ⬠). The National Institute of Health defines obesity as being more than 20% above the ideal body weight (approximately 20% males and 30% for females). Not many people are aware of obesity, and that is why approximately 34% of the adult population is overweight. Obesity can affect anyone from young children to older adults. There are many causes for obesity such as over-eating, genetics, hormones, the environment, and an insufficient amount of physical activity. Obesity has several causes like health issues, depression, eating disorders, and unfortunately even death. The late rapper Big Punisher and actor John Candy were unfortunate victims of obesity and sadly they are now deceased because of obesity. Obesity tends to run in families, whic h shows that obesity can be genetic. Some diseases linked to obesity are diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and cancer. The search for an obesity gene is complicated because families also tend to share eating habits and lifestyles. In one study, howeve...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Lao-Tzu viewpoints on Taoist Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Lao-Tzu viewpoints on Taoist Philosophy - Essay Example Life and death form a part of the transformation processes, which constitute the Taoist world. Death, as much as life, belongs to the realm of "naturalness," that which is "so of itself". Tao means literally possessing spiritual essences in one's body. So long as they remain in the body, death simply cannot happen which repositions the commentary from cosmology and religion to focus on Taoist practical philosophy. In what sense can "naturalness" be said to complement "long life" Two separate claims need to be distinguished here. On the one hand, if the concept of naturalness is taken seriously, any attempt to prolong life by artificial means is doomed to failure and must be rejected. On the other hand, if careful steps are not taken to preserve life, the natural flow of things is also interrupted. The natural life span of an individual, given the cosmological underpinning of the commentary, is evidently determined by one's energy endowment. Individual differences notwithstanding, human beings have been given a proper "mandate" to prosper and live long while the energy could be in any form. There are, however, obstacles, which may jeopardize one's natural longevity. If the body is destroyed, the "five spirits" disperse; if the body is harmed, the spirits hasten their departure. For this reason, the body must be well taken care of, and the conditions, under which the vital essence may be adversely influenced, must be clearly identified. Actual longevity, in other words, reflects not only a richly endowed body but also a well-maintained abode of the spirits. In attempting to explain to you the complex relationship between Tao, being, and nonbeing, I defers some words: "Since the Tao is unnamable, it therefore cannot be comprised in words. But since we wish to speak about it, we are forced to give it some kind of designation. We therefore call it Tao, which is really not a name at all. That is to say, to call the Tao Tao, is not the same as to call a table table . . Tao is not itself a thing." Tao cannot be compared to any cosmological supreme being. Tao is not a being but lies beyond shapes and features. In the context of the transition from a religion based on divination and sacrifice, centered on the ruling nobility, to recognition of the moral autonomy of the individual. The Tao-te-ching represents the voice of those who recognize the power of desirelessness, humility, passivity, lowliness, imperfection, stillness, and intuition. I have linked mysticism with the cultivation of the human potential for good, not with union with an Absolute. Unlike Western philosophy, I have insisted to accept Chinese philosophy as a lived philosophy; its purpose is not simply to "acquire . . . knowledge," but to "develop . . . character". I have debated several times with Girardot as his argument echoes the earlier issue concerning the relationship between Tao and concepts of God; he suggests that the distinction between the Tao-te-ching and later Taoism rests on false assumptions about the nature of religion. He further argues that the Tao-te-ching is a religious text
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Career Statement Personal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Career - Personal Statement Example This inherent nature to serve people has come from my own family experiences as I have always been concerned about the health of my family members. In addition to serving the community by providing medical services, the nursing community can also contribute to educating people, especially those living without any basic amenities such as lack of electricity or drinking water, about several health issues. In addition, working in camps that serve the homeless and those affected by natural calamities and war, would definitely be a satisfying experience. Through such services one can pay back to the society that gave us the opportunity to learn and also help people to live life in the truest spirit. I would like to pursue my studies in nursing and specialize in the subject of my interest and gain a better insight in the subject which would help me achieve good career prospects. With the increasing occurrence of medical problems especially among the aged and the disadvantaged population ha ve drastically risen the demands of the medical profession which has in turn increased the nurseââ¬â¢s responsibility as only they bond directly with the people and help them cope with the treatment, medication.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Globalization and its impact on the Public Sector Essay Example for Free
Globalization and its impact on the Public Sector Essay INTRODUCTION Globalization can be seen as a new phase of internationalization of forcing companies and countries reciprocally depend on degrees in the past. Here you can have globalization as the third phase of the internationalization of markets, the first of these phases properly called internationalization, ranging from late nineteenth century to the First World War, in which no economic sovereignty and international exchange and the second phase of Globalization, which runs from the end of World War II until about seventy years, time in which multinational companies begin to operate on a truly global basis (Peter, 2006). With the globalization of the modern world, businesses and government entities are forced to confront their results beyond its borders, in the fields of production quality and public administration, being necessary to rethink traditional management schemes within organizations. High competition forces that improve the quality of products and services and modernize the processes required must necessarily create a culture of modernity and innovation, on the staff of the entities in the public and private sector. The goal of globalization is no longer penetration neighboring market, but world trade, and standardizing it is the best instrument to achieve new trade realities. Thus, this brings to light what is public administration, since it is closely linked to what is trade and market. _DISCUSSION_ Administrators agree perceive the organizational environment as uncertain and turbulent of increasing complexity, and draw attention to the shape or style of thinking required to address more effectively the change phenomena. At present, the intensity and speed of global changes in the economic and social environment determines the need to know in advance the direction you point these changes and megatrends. The major changes are slow to form and once installed, its influence is felt for a long time in individuals and organizations. In terms of some management specialists, the adaptability of the organization and therefore their ability to survive depends on its ability to learn and act upon the changeable environmental conditions. In understanding the phenomena that affect the public-private sphere, the State-Society is the major element in understanding the context in which hatch and informational processes and flows of the social world are developed. The State in its historic role as sociopolitical computer centralizer actions and decisions of socio-economic and cultural development of a country, is characterized by being constituted by institutional relevance actors: political parties and groups, trade unions, universities, media communication, among others, all active and engaged in the debate of major national issues participants. In this context, information channels are open and thus in the debate and discussion agendas are present from major structural changes to the discussion of basic problems of society, creating an interaction between all actors identified (Peters, 2001). From the change in the political system two elements characterize the new process: the role of the state comes into question, and the discussion focuses on the redefinition of it. Moreover, the market emerges as a new player with that also produces a redefinition of public-private relationships. The private sector breaks into many fields hitherto proprietary state action, the most notorious health, education and social security, resulting in double circuits of information: public and private. Radical changes in the early affect state-society relations are produced.à The state is directing its own administrative decentralization process and starts a new institutional framework. All these situations create new information flows in new directions and to new target groups. Centralized information becomes part of the State surpassed role. The legitimacy of the information is questionable and of course the reliability of it is also debatable. However, the changes that occur within the state and therefore in society begin to produce positive impacts on productivity levels, service efficiency, technological upgrade that streamlines the bureaucratic processes and a series of other events in the reformulation of the role of the state is designated as a profound reshaping of the state apparatus and at the same time, a substantial improvement of the State, as being able to regulate the production and processing of lead in achieving social equity. _Changes in Management Due to Globalization_ Within this perspective comes hard on the concept of intelligence, applied to the social field in general as well as to a particular organization. Concept defined as the ability to understand and even anticipate the behavior of the various environmental factors that affect or influence negatively or positively the development of a program or project. This advance knowledge is a prerequisite for organizing and planning the activities of organizations and individuals, in order to anticipate, minimize or neutralize impact or influence of changes in the internal activities of the organization and its relations with the surrounding frame of reference . Some organizations have the ability to adapt quickly to change, naturally occurring in the joints between the various work areas. It allows them to survive in the turbulent environment, among other conditions, your creativity or ability to conceive and imagine alternatives and new solutions beyond the traditional frames or thought patterns (Farazmand, 2012). The organization ceases to be regarded as a mechanism and tends to be conceived as a living organism, endowed with intelligence. In this context we can speak of a corporate intelligence internally structure the organizations and allows them to react to changes in their environment also based on the use of information. Such organizations, also known as the third typeenterprises, the authors G. Archier and H Serieyx have the following characteristics: Be constantly alert to events in the environment. Have organizational structures and rules that ensure flexibility and speed of adaptation. Individuals and groups articulate the organization and contribute to their full potential. Each member of the organization is constantly exposed to market pressures and customer expectations. The organizations projects are conceived, shared and accepted by all members of the organization. The work structures are focused on problems without choking the hierarchy. The organization ensures each official smart, useful, challenging work, also investing in the continuing education of staff. _Productive Transformation Process_ The marked acceleration of scientific and technological change brings many challenges in the economic field, the need for flexibility from the production system to make competitive adjustments, to expand trade by way of differentiation. Each country must seek to create in the international market its own space on the basis of new technologies (Farazmand, 2004). In the field of production of goods and services, the world is in one of the greatest moments of innovation and change, based on the knowledge-defined as the most expensive of the products of the modern era. Knowledge management supported by advances in information, computing and communications, offers possibilities of radical change, creating opportunities for new technologies, competitiveness, new markets. In the public sector, production processes undergo changes to adapt to the new demands generated by the private sector in those areas in which the State assumed key roles in development. The scope, variety and extent of the changes, which are generated in the information sector, the new organizational paradigms, should trigger an intensive process of studies and research in the area, so as to make the necessary adjustments in the production processes of information current and / or, when necessary, to design new components in these processes (James Van, 2004). Oriented training human resources policy focuses on the essential aspects of productive transformation: growth and equity. The training of human resources in this context should also increase productivity, support worker flexibility to adapt to the changing needs of the productive sector. Technology policy should aim at strengthening the productive transformation policies and strengthen national and regional innovation system. Must be well integrated with the industrial, agricultural, educational and trade policy. You can achieve your goals if a suitable economic and social environment, since the innovation process has a systemic character and requires several interrelated elements. The strategic dialogue, as proposed by ECLAC, comprises a set of explicit and implicit reaching agreements between the state and the main political and social actors around the productive transformation with equity, and also about the consequences policy and institutional innovations needed to achieve it. The economic transformation strategy posed ECLAC is conceived as part of the conditions of the international economy in the outer and maintaining macroeconomic stability, development financing, maintainingà social cohesion and consolidation of democratic processes within (Gareth, 1988). _Transforming the Work Environment_ Associated with global changes in the organizational structures should be considered external factors: economic, social, political, technological and other as competition, labor market, etc. Such administrative language in examining the opportunities and threats presented by the environment to the organization and its members, comprising also analyze the implications that the forces of change are internal work processes in the organization. The work environment is undergoing major changes due to the impact of external factors among other aspects of the new objectives that organizations are posed by the internationalization of the same, the transition from production companies to utilities, the need for human resources in technologies, by increasing interrelationships of public and private sector, etc. It is argued that the technological revolution affects the levels of employment, working conditions and social organization and the application of computer science, robotics and other automation involving a small group of overspecialized workers and a large number of unqualified workers. However, the forces of change can also arise within the organization or individuals that compose themselves. The work environment of the organization is under pressure from those who want change and those who oppose tenaciously (Robert, 2009). The organization must adapt or fundamentally change strategies and plans created for different situations and contexts. In this scenario, the training of human resources is a must for the new management style component. Learning new technologies and developing new skills conducive to the efficient performance of individuals can not be absent from any policy to improve the work environment. While it is not the intent of this document describe enter multiple situations affecting the organizational structure and respective management approaches in solvingà problems, mainstreaming workplace transformation aims to support the understanding of the issues new organizational forms, examining the competitive environment, adaptation to the new, the educational needs of human resources and the occurrence of the information sector in all strategies of the organization. _CONCLUSION_ Globalisation has catalysed the need to accelerate public sector reforms in developing countries and the need to set up correctly-working institutions. The time is ripe for reform. The challenge will be to adapt the model to different social, economic, political, legal and cultural contexts. REFERENCES Farazmand (2012), Chaos and Transformation Theories: Implications for Organization Theory. _Public Organization Review_ 3(4)/2003: 339-372; James Van (2004). Resistance to Change and the Language of Public Organizations:â⬠¦_Public Organization Review_ 4 (1): 47-74. Farazmand (2004). Innovation in Strategic Human Resource Management: Building Capacity in the Age of Globalization. _Public Organization Review_ 4 (1): 3-24. Gareth Morgan (1988). _Riding the Waves of Change._ San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass (HR). Robert Golembiwski (2009). _Handbook of Organizational Behavior_, new edition. NY: Marcel Dekker. French and Bell (1999). _Organization Development_ Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice-Hall (HR). Connor and lake, _Managing Organizational Change_, 2nd ed. (1994) Peters, Guy (2001). _The Future of Governing_, 2nd ed., or the latest. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas PressSenge. Peter (2006). _The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of Learning Organization._ NY: Random House/Garden City, NY: Doubleday.Skinner, B.F. (1948, 1986, 2005), _Walden Two_ (small paperback$2-3 online), Hackett Publisher.
Monday, January 20, 2020
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings: Cages :: Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Essays
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings:à Cagesà à à à à à à à à à à Maya Angelou wrote an amazing and entertaining autobiography titled I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, about her hard life growing up as a black girl from the South.à Among the hardships are things known as "cages" as stated as a metaphor from Paul Dunbar's poem "Sympathy."à "Cages" are things that keep people from succeeding in life and being everything they want to be.à Some of Maya Angelou's cages include being black in the 1940's and her overbearing grandmother.à In my life, a "cage" is my young age, this causes problems with adults. à à à à à à à à à à à A major "cage" from Maya Angelou's youth was that she was black in a prejudice southern town.à Maya has recounted in her book the times when she was discriminated against.à When she was working for a white woman named Mrs. Viola Cullinan, Mrs. Cullinan started calling her Mary, "That's [Margaret] too long.à She's Mary from now on."(pp.91) One of the most important aspects of a person is their name.à It is a great insult for someone to change your name, without your consent.à If Maya was white Mrs. Cullinan would not have changed her name and she did it only because of her racist friends and attitudes.à Even some of the white adults who supposedly supported her had hidden their racist messages in seemingly nice speeches.à Maya conveys the words of Mr. Edward Donleavy, one of the people in the masquerade, "The white kids were going to have a chance to become Galileos and Madame Curies and Edisons and Gauguins, and our boys (the girls weren't even in on it) would try to be Jesse Owenses and Joe Lousises."(pp.151)à Maya was forced to listen to Mr. Donleavy's stereotypes of how white children could be thinkers and black children can only be athletes.à à à à à à à à à à à à What was supposed to be an encouraging speech, which Mr. Donleavy probably thought was sincere, turned out to be just another racist and stereotypical speech.à Perhaps it was not so much Mr. Donleavy's fault, because he was trying to be nice, but more of his upbringing.à Racism was the most prominent of Maya's "cages" and it is probably due to the society and ignorant ideas. à à à à à à à à à à à The second major cage ofà Maya Angelou was that she has a very strict, religious, and overbearing grandmother.à It is important that a child's guardian be caring and strict but that guardian should not be too strict.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
C ivil rights movements Essay
This is a two-page, APA formatted paper that summarizes the purpose of Leonard Crow Dogs, the purpose of the Ghost Dance and how the U. S. government works to undermine Native American communities. It is based on a true story and is in relation to the novel ââ¬Å"Lakota Womanâ⬠by Mary Crow Dogs. The story speaks about the hardship of Mary and the Lakota Indians. Leonard Crow Dog was a very important character in the novel, ââ¬Å"Lakota Woman. â⬠He was Maryââ¬â¢s husband and also a spiritual leader as well as a political leader of the American Indian Movement of 1960s and 70s. His purpose was to help build Maryââ¬â¢s self-esteem. Through Leonardââ¬â¢s support, Mary was able to rebuild her self esteem by performing speeches and by supporting the American Indian Movement. Leonard gave her a way to do her own spiritual rituals which she believed helped strengthen her. Because of Leonardââ¬â¢s leadership participation in the AIM Movement, his son was raised freely in the traditional way of his Indian culture. Leonard was also the one who restarted the Ghost Dance even thought it was previously forbidden. Due to the oppression from the Whites, Indians started a spiritual dance which they believed would deliver them from the oppression of the white men. They called it the Ghost Dance. The Ghost Dance was a way to relieve the American Native Indians from their extreme poverty, suffering and from the other hardships they encountered. They believed that the Ghost Dance would bring a messiah to them that would soon return the lands to the Indians, resurrect their dead ancestors, and restore their former ways of life (Richard P. Muniz 2006). White people feared the Ghost dance traditions believing that the dance was not proper and that the Indians would practice witchcraft on them. Therefore, the Ghost Dance was outlawed. The U. S. Government undermined the Indian communities through reservations. Indians were required to live a segregated life. They were treated as second class citizens and to make them ââ¬Å"perfectâ⬠for the Americanââ¬â¢s way of life, the government forced their beliefs onto them. The government greatly attacked the Native American community way of life through sending the Native American children to an institution to break their ways of beliefs with the intention of molding them into a ââ¬Å"respectfulâ⬠American citizen of the white class. Using these schools were a great means to fix the Indianââ¬â¢s way of life. The government really believed that the schools were civilizing the Indian children and offering them a great opportunity for them to evolve into the white culture and Christianity. These schools were supposed to help them to become ââ¬Å"first classâ⬠citizens instead of ââ¬Å"second class. â⬠However, the government did not understand that this was not the proper way or means to help the Indian children or Indian people at all. They were already oppressed by Indian Reservations and then placed into a school system to strip them of their cultural beliefs and then forced to accept customs that were not known to their forefathers. Mary describes the government as civilizing them with their stick or another way to say this is with discipline. Mary states that, ââ¬Å"children were like the victims of Nazi concentration campsâ⬠(pg. 28). The Indian Sun Dance which is another common tradition of the Indian culture and their community was outlawed by the government as well as the Ghost Dance. The Government forced many Indians into slum housing after taking their tribal lands. These slum homes had no electricity, plumbing, or technology. Most of them would have to live in the dark and in small cabins. Their way of living was very limited unlike the White Americans who had electricity and plumbing. They were unable to find employment due to racial restrictions from white people which resulted in high unemployment for the Indian culture. Many Indians were killed due to being accused for murderers they didnââ¬â¢t commit. Mary mentions in the story that many Indian family members were killed. In addition, many Indian families were punished by the government for having civil rights movements with attempts to help their community to become strong. Maryââ¬â¢s husband was also one of the unfortunate oneââ¬â¢s who was thrown in jail many times for his radical civil rights movements. References Dog, M. C. (1990). Lakota Woman. New York: New York.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Ohio Colleges and Universities Pursuing Online and Campus Based Education in Ohio, the Buckeye State 2019
An extensive network of colleges and universities in Ohio is encouraging working professionals to head back to school. Career advancement in the field of nursing, business, and criminal justice is easier than ever before through Ohio university degree programs. College graduates are now finding some of the best opportunities with prominent local employers. Prominent Ohio Employers Hire Graduates of Ohio Colleges and Universities Ohio college graduates are finding employment in major industries, such as education, health, business, and government. Major employers offer career advancement opportunities in Ohio, including: Proctor Gamble headquartered in Ohio. Aeronca Aircraft headquartered in Ohio. Allegro Realty Advisors headquartered in Ohio. American Financial Group headquartered in Ohio. Cardinal Health headquartered in Ohio. CompuServe headquartered in Ohio. F+W Publications, Inc. headquartered in Ohio. Sherwin-Williams headquartered in Ohio. Most Recent Economic Statistics Reveal Graduates of Ohio Colleges and Universities Come Out Ahead The best opportunities are available to Ohio college graduates in an economy supported mainly by commerce and manufacturing. Educated professionals are in high demand in the Ohio aerospace, defense, and NASA manufacturing industry. The economy continues to diversify and now boasts: The September, 2017 Ohio unemployment rate was 5.2%. 5,655,000 people are employed in Ohio. The 2016 2017 Ohio median household income was $44,349. The 2017 Ohio gross state product was $419 billion. .u9fc8ee05e48e232faad4a2035309513b { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u9fc8ee05e48e232faad4a2035309513b:active, .u9fc8ee05e48e232faad4a2035309513b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u9fc8ee05e48e232faad4a2035309513b { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u9fc8ee05e48e232faad4a2035309513b .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u9fc8ee05e48e232faad4a2035309513b .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u9fc8ee05e48e232faad4a2035309513b:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Connecticut Colleges and Universities Pursuing Online and Campus-based EducationOhio Colleges and Universities Offer Unique Combinations of Campus-based and Online Degree Programs Ohio college students have more flexibility today than ever before. Students may now choose between or combine campus-based and online degree programs through Ohio schools, such as: Kaplan University: Dayton College Campus, Columbus University Campus, Cleveland College Campus, and Online Programs. University of Phoenix: Cincinnati College Campus, Cleveland University Campus, Columbus College Campus, and Online Programs. ITT Technical Institute: Dayton College Campus, Norwood University Campus, Youngstown College Campus, Strongsville University Campus, Warrensville College Campus, Hilliard University Campus, Maumee College Campus, and Online Programs. For an extensive list of Ohio colleges and universities, students are encouraged to visit, the leading education and career resource website. Prospective students will also find links to informative articles on making education and career decisions in the state of Ohio. 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